Some agile stuff...
A4 Agile is a loosely coupled, high cohesion gathering of a few independent agile coaches that loves to work together.
Sometimes we create some agile stuff that we share with the world (you).
This is where you find just that content.
If it provides value to you, feel free to use it as much as you want.
Mats Kempe
Johanna Bach Wallentin
Mattias Livré
Thomas Davidsson
Vår bok om prioritering tar form.
Just nu är den på ca 40.000 ord och vi siktar på att kunna få den i print inom kort.
(En normal amerikansk managementbok brukar vara 40-50.000 ord som referens)
Vill du få en pling i mailen när den är klar att beställas så anmäler du dig på länken här nedan. (bara det, du får inga andra mailutskick)
Eller så följer du #veckoboken på LinkedIn
After hundreds and hundreds of successful workshops we decided to write down how we plan them so others can do the same.
So now the book “Grymma Workshops” is printed and available.
Sorry all internationals out there – it’s only in Swedish (so far).
– “You agile coaches just facilitate some meetings”
– “And play games, right?”
Having explained what we actually do one time too many, we sat down together and mapped the less obvious things we help with all days.
This is the beginning of such a map, from our view.
Use it to spark conversations, broaden perspectives, or just show to people who needs to see it…
3 seasoned agile coaches sat down to think about all the transformations they had seen go wrong, or get stuck.
– How can we help others avoid those pitfalls? one coach said
– Let’s list all the reasons for failure we have seen out there, said the other
– And let’s turn those into questions so they spark conversations, said the third
A 3 minute video on youtube explaining what Lean is compared to Agile compared to Lean-agile.
– “If your working agile, you should get rid of your old ITIL processes…”
Well, really?
What if they combine just fine?
This is what our natural merge looks like for an agile team working with incidents Agile ITIL style.
Stockholm 2018